Baby Stork Bites & Home Remedies: How to Soothe Your Little One’s Skin

Welcoming a new baby into your life is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One common issue that many infants face is something called “baby stork bites.” These benign birthmarks, also known as salmon patches or angel kisses, can appear on a baby’s skin and may cause concern for parents. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what baby stork bites are, why they occur, and most importantly, the best home remedies to soothe and treat them. So, if you’re a new parent looking for solutions to help your little one, keep reading!


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare provider before attempting any home remedies on your baby.

What Are Baby Stork Bites?

Baby stork bites, medically known as nevus simplex or salmon patches, are common birthmarks that appear on the skin of many infants. They are typically flat, light pink or reddish patches that can vary in size and shape. These birthmarks can be found on various parts of the baby’s body, but they are most commonly seen on the back of the neck, between the eyebrows, or on the upper eyelids. They are harmless and often fade over time.

Why Do Baby Stork Bites Occur?

Baby stork bites occur due to dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. These birthmarks are present at birth and are often more noticeable when the baby cries or becomes upset. Stork bites are not hereditary, and they do not result from any actions or behaviors during pregnancy. They are simply a natural occurrence that can happen to any baby.

Home Remedies for Baby Stork Bites:

While baby stork bites typically fade on their own within a few months to a couple of years, many parents are eager to help speed up the process or reduce their visibility. Here are some home remedies that you can try:

  1. Gentle Massage with Olive Oil:
    • Applying a small amount of olive oil to the affected area and gently massaging it can help moisturize the skin and promote blood circulation, potentially aiding in the fading of stork bites.
  2. Cool Compresses:
    • Applying a cool, damp cloth to the stork bite for a few minutes can help reduce redness and soothe any irritation. Be sure the cloth is not too cold to avoid shocking your baby.
  3. Natural Calendula Cream:
    • Calendula cream is known for its soothing properties and can be applied to the stork bite to help reduce inflammation and redness. Make sure to choose a product that is specifically formulated for babies.
  4. Breast Milk:
    • Some parents have reported success with applying a few drops of breast milk to the stork bite. Breast milk is believed to have natural healing properties, but results may vary.
  5. Avoid Harsh Soaps and Scrubbing:
    • When washing your baby’s skin, use a mild, fragrance-free soap and avoid scrubbing the stork bite area. Gentle care is essential to prevent further irritation.
  6. Time and Patience:
    • Most importantly, remember that time is often the best remedy for baby stork bites. Many of them naturally fade as your baby grows.

Monitoring Your Baby’s Stork Bites:

While using these home remedies, it’s crucial to monitor your baby’s stork bites for any changes. If you notice any of the following, consult a healthcare professional:

  • Inflammation or swelling around the stork bite.
  • Prolonged bleeding or oozing from the birthmark.
  • Signs of infection, such as pus or increased redness.
  • If the stork bite appears to be growing or changing in color.

Medical treatments such as laser therapy may be considered in severe cases or if the birthmark persists beyond early childhood. Always consult with your pediatrician before pursuing any medical interventions.


Baby stork bites are a common occurrence in infants and, while they can cause concern for parents, they are usually harmless and fade over time. The home remedies mentioned in this article can help soothe your baby’s skin and potentially speed up the fading process. However, it’s crucial to remember that every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Always consult with your healthcare provider before attempting any home remedies, and be patient as you watch your little one’s skin gradually return to its natural state. Your baby’s health and well-being are the top priorities, and with proper care, those angel kisses will soon be just a sweet memory of their early days.

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